Friday, February 27, 2015

False Pause

A study published in Nature shows directly the amplification of the greenhouse effect caused by the increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels.

And a study published in Science shows that natural variations in the timing of ocean cycles has offset warming to some extent, and leaves open the possible reversal of that trend in the near future.

Update (June 5):  A study published in Science re-examined temperature records and argues that the global average surface temperature has been increasing by about 0.2 degree Fahrenheit per decade since 1950 without interruption.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


A report from the Center for American Progress examines ten demographic trends in the United States.  The population is quickly diversifying.  It may help explain the right-wing freakout over immigration.

Update (August 25):  Funny how those who hold the Second Amendment sacrosanct also think the Fourteenth can mean anything we want.