Thursday, May 30, 2024

Guilty (times 34)

The law finally caught up with Fuckface von Clownstick. Stuart Stevens gives his reaction:
[Dear Leader] is a felon. He joins his campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, national security advisor, foreign policy advisor, political consultant, and personal lawyer as felons.

Update (May 31):  Chauncey DeVega reminds us not to celebrate too much just yet.

How will [Manbaby's] conviction and status as a felon will impact how the American people will vote in the 2024 election? Again, we do not know. But with [his] historic conviction, there is at least the reasonable hope that he will have a more difficult time of winning the 2024 election and becoming the country’s first dictator. That final decision will be made not in a courtroom by a jury and a judge, but in the voting booth by the American people.

Heather Digby Parton expresses our frustration with the opposition.

You'd think after losing all these elections, civil cases and now criminal trials Republicans would get it through their heads that this man who calls everything a hoax and a fake is actually talking about himself.

Amanda Marcotte describes how pathetic the former guy is.

The main theme of the testimony was [Fuckface] the Coward, who hides behind a series of "fixers" so he never has to deal directly with the fallout from his poor choices. ... His crimes aren't exciting strikes against "The Man." He is "The Man," preying on vulnerable people, like the 27-year-old Daniels or the financially desperate people he defrauded through [Orange Turd] University or even some of the lost souls he snookered into storming the Capitol on Jan. 6. The regular folks on the New York streets weren't cheering [Dear Leader], but the brave jurors who stood against him.

And Brian Karem proposes an unlikely outcome.

I believe that the Republicans now have the leverage they need to take back their party from the MAGA extremists - if they have the energy to do so. If the Republican Party wishes to survive, [the felon] will not be on the ballot in the fall.

Update (June 3):  Parton has a warning.

[The convicted felon] says a lot of foolish things and half the time he doesn't know what he's talking about. But when it comes to his lifelong thirst for vengeance there is no doubt that he means it. And he is now backed by the vast majority of elected Republicans who are clearly slavering at the prospect of taking down their political enemies. They will do it.

Update (June 4):  Marcotte has a question for Republicans who claim Democrats will rue the day.

[U]ltimately, it comes down to this: If getting convicted of crimes is so goshdarned awesome for [Dear Leader], then why are his allies doing everything in their power to delay [his] other criminal trials?

Monday, May 27, 2024

Ongoing Bad News

April was the eleventh consecutive month that set an all-time temperature record since data has been collected. The month was 1.58 degrees Celcius warmer that the 1850 to 1900 average. 

Last summer was also the warmest in the Northern Hemisphere in the past 2000 years.

Permafrost is thawing, the Thwaites glacier is heading toward collapse, the Amazon rainforest is under increasing stress, and the world's oceans having been setting temperature records for the past year.

The barrage of stories gets to be too much.

Update (June 28):  An article in Nature Geoscience discusses a possible tipping point for Antarctic ice sheets. Matthew Rosza explains:

British Antarctic Survey researchers discovered that warm ocean water is seeping beneath the Antarctic ice sheet at its so-called "grounding line," or the point at which the ice from a large body rises from the seabed and begins to float. When warm water moves under a grounding line, the ice melts at an accelerated pace and could pass a threshold where the body's ultimate collapse is inevitable. While this process occurs, sea levels will rise at a much faster rate than currently predicted, resulting in millions of people from coastal communities being displaced over the upcoming decades and centuries.