The New York Times published a front page editorial, but this is better.
Update: The Supreme Court declined to review a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals 7th Circuit that upheld a ban on assault weapons in Highland Park, Illinois.
Update (December 9): Jill Lawrence quotes Justice Scalia from 2008, “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited."
Update (December 16): House Democrats were unable to remove a budget rider called the Dickey Amendment which prevents the Centers for Disease Control from researching gun violence.
Update (January 5, 2016): What kind of fascist monster sheds tears at the thought of murdered school children?
Update (May 11, 2018): Pat Davis stole my line!
Update (June 12, 2018): NRA could be getting desperate in Florida. Shannon Watts:
Since the Parkland shooting, everyone who is opposed to the NRA agenda feels comfortable coming out against it, and I think that shows that it’s not a third-rail issue anymore. Lawmakers are looking at the polls and they know they can get elected by opposing the NRA, not by being silenced or even pretending to tolerate their extremist agenda.Update (March 28, 2019): NRA seems to have a connection to spreading conspiracy theories.
NRA officer Mark Richardson emailed Wolfgang Halbig, a noted harasser of parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, to float a conspiracy theory about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 people were killed last year.Update (April 30, 2019): Couldn't happen to a bigger bunch of assholes.
The National Rifle Association is facing collapse. Membership is plummeting. Investigations are opening. And victims of gun violence are holding the organization accountable for deaths all across the country.Update (May 11, 2019): The NRA has $24 million of legal bills.
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