The lead grew large enough in Pennsylvania for the major news outlets to call the election for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. At this point 284 to 214 electoral votes according to Associated Press.
[The] First Lady ... has joined the growing chorus of [von Clownstick's] inner circle advising him the time has come for him to accept the loss.
Amanda Marcotte asks why Mitch McConnell "and other Republicans are refusing to stand up for the integrity of our democracy".
[T]he real reason McConnell is doing this is simple: He does not believe in democracy.
[H]e's treating [Dear Leader's] efforts to invalidate this election as an opportunity. It's not that he thinks [the] clownish power-grab will succeed, although McConnell would certainly be delighted if he did. It's that McConnell sees [the] false accusations of fraud as a pretext he can use to undercut Biden even before he takes office — and in all likelihood to refuse to acknowledge Biden as a legitimate president once he does.
McConnell's main goal with Biden, as it was with Obama, is to make a Democratic presidency look like a failure.
Update (November 12): Fuckface still refuses to concede the election and Amanda Marcotte sees that as a dangerous message.
Bitter resentment about having to share power with people who aren't white, Christian or conservative is what fueled [Dear Leader's] rise in the first place. He has spent the past five years encouraging his supporters in their bigoted belief that they're the only Americans who count — and therefore the only Americans whose votes should count. His last weeks in office look like they will be defined by his bitter, pugnacious insistence that any vote, anywhere, that wasn't for him should be illegal.
Update (November 13): Sixteen federal prosecutors have written a letter to William Barr telling him there are no election problems to investigate.
[I]n the 2020 election cycle, there is no evidence of "substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities" that "could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election".
Update (November 14): In light of lack of evidence of election fraud, Fuckface is running out of schemes to overturn the result.
State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory. Such a move would violate state law and a vote of the people, several noted.
Update (November 17): It sure is amazing how Republicans throw around baseless claims of election fraud. Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham tried to get absentee ballots thrown out in Georgia and for a short time, there was an attempt to disenfranchise all of Detroit. Governor Gretchen Whitmer:
In refusing to approve the results of the election in Wayne County, the two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers have placed partisan politics above their legal duty to certify the election results.
Thankfully, people were paying attention and pressured the Board of Canvassers to certify the election after the initial vote.
The initial action by the GOP board of canvassers members was part of a scheme, promoted by [the president's] campaign, involving local and state-level Republicans on local canvassing and elections boards refusing to certify election results in jurisdictions where Biden won. In doing so, they believe, they could throw the certification decision to Republican-controlled state legislatures that could then choose [Dear Leader] as the winner, even though he lost the popular vote to Biden by almost 3%. Republican legislative leaders have, however, said that they will play no role in the theft of the election.
[Fuckface] praised the initial refusal to certify the Wayne County results in an inaccurate tweet claiming that the certification for statewide Michigan results had been refused.
Update (November 18): While Biden's win is solid, Paul Waldman argues we kind of got lucky. Only 45,000 votes in Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin would've swung this election--compared to 77,000 votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in 2016.
If [Dear Leader's] team were not such a bunch of buffoons, and if Republican officials at the state level were just a little more corrupt than they already are, he might have been able to steal the election after all.
Update (November 19): The Michigan story gets more convoluted. The Republican campaign dropped a lawsuit in Wayne County went they thought they had won. And now the two Republican that originally voted against certification want to change their minds again. It seems to be too late for that. Yet Republican leaders from the Legislature are meeting with Fuckface at his request.
They are fucking relentless. Paul Blumenthal explains how appalling this is.
Republicans now face a litmus test of endorsing a belief that the 2020 election was unfair, a position that undermines the necessary peaceful transfer of power that American democracy would not exist without.
These efforts will all fail. But they augur a terrible turn to the past in the long-standing effort to limit Black voter participation in elections. It harkens back to the long history of racist disenfranchisement perpetrated by the white majority on Black Americans.
And Chris Marshall suggests it's not necessarily clear they won't succeed.
[W]e have the unprecedented spectacle of a president rejecting the results of an election no matter what judges and election officials say, including Republican judges, Republican secretaries of state and relevant officials in his own administration. And now an entire (semi-loyal) political party, with precious few exceptions, abnormally backs up that abnormal president and his abnormal behavior.
[A]ccording to a bogus legal doctrine being pushed by none other than Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, [the] Article II language means that the state legislature and the state legislature alone makes the election rules, and any other — shall we say "alteration" — of the rules by any other political actor in the normal course of the governmental process is in strict violation of the United States Constitution. Given the prevailing, currently unusual circumstances, then, one might argue that the state legislatures have no real choice, after all, but to intervene and send their own slates of electors to the Electoral College. And it would be perfectly reasonable, would it not, if three of those state legislatures just so happened to judge that [Dear Leader] is the rightful winner instead of Biden?
[O]nly a fool would trust that the forbearance, restraint and fundamental reasonableness of [Fuckface von Clownstick] and the sycophantic cultists who populate his party will be sufficient to rule out availing themselves of the one remaining pathway they have to victory. They have the means, motive and opportunity, and they are unrestrained by principle. Therefore, the smart money says they may well try it. I fear they will choose to be legends. And if they try it, they will work it for all its worth, and, experience teaches us, the vast majority of the thoroughly corrupt, semi-loyal Republican Party will fall dutifully into line like good little authoritarians.
Update (November 20): There's been no major violence so far and yet we're already fucked as Republicans continue to undermine trust in elections. Heather Digby Parton gives her take on the machinations over electors.
Is any of this remotely possible? Sure. It's unlikely, but it's possible. It's tempting to think this is all so nuts that it could never possibly happen, but we thought everything [Manbaby] has done over the past five years was nuts, and here we are. All our hand-wringing about this plot being un-American and destructive to our democracy is sadly irrelevant — not just to the preposterous Giuliani and the equally preposterous [von Clownstick] but to the entire Republican Party. They have learned the power of total shamelessness, and it is profound. I would never count them out.
And some reassurance from the Michigan legislators who met with Fuckface today.
We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan and as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan's electors, just as we have said throughout this election.
Once again, we need to be grateful for several local Republican officials with integrity and for the stupidity of the Republican lawyers.
In one section of his affidavit, Ramsland listed as highly suspicious 100% voter turnouts he calculated in 25 districts in Detroit’s Wayne County, which went for Democrat Joe Biden. But all of the districts listed were actually in Minnesota.
Update (November 22): Ian MacDougall explains the difficulties with trying to get legislatures to appoint electors.
Update (November 23): Michigan certifies the election results and the General Services Administration finally signs off on ascertainment.
Update (November 24): John Stoehr explains why most GOP elected officials are slow to acknowledge Biden's win.
[T]he problem is one of choices. The Republicans do not fear [Dear Leader]. They fear losing power. They are, in intent and in effect, choosing power over principles, power over promises, and power over patriotism. They could choose to explain for the good of the country that [von Clownstick] should get out of the way. But they are choosing not to. We are left, then, with a reasonable conclusion: they believe sticking with [him] gives them an advantage over people who believe some things matter more than power. Sticking with [Fuckface] gives them an advantage over those of us who believe in democracy. They say they are afraid in order to gain advantage over people of good faith who fall for it.
Update (November 25): Why are we tip-toeing around the fact that Dear Leader is deranged and needs psychiatric help? He called in to some kind of "hearing" in Pennsylvania:
Why wouldn't they overturn an election? Certainly, overturn it in your state.... We have to turn the election over, because there's no doubt. We have all the evidence, we have all the affidavits, we have everything. All we have to do is have some judge listen to it properly.
You can't keep making serious claims for three weeks and never back them up.
Update (November 26): It's so tiring to keep reading this bullshit. Maybe he shouldn't even be invited to the inauguration. One donor is suing to get his money back.
It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede, because we know there was massive fraud. This was a massive fraud, this should never take place in this country. We’re like a third-world country.
I know one thing, Joe Biden did not get 80 million votes. This race is far from over.
Update (November 27): The Republican campaign lost yet another case in the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The campaign was not even pleading fraud in seeking to overturn the Pennsylvania election.
[C]alling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.
But no matter how many cases go against him, Dear Leader remains detached from reality.
Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous “80,000,000 votes” were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!
Update (November 28): The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has dismissed a challenge to mail-in ballots.
Update (November 30): Yes, it's all over now except for 51 more days of whining and crying.
[O]n Monday, the [election] results met a new official threshold as Arizona and Wisconsin became the final decisive swing states to certify their votes.
Update (December 1): Eliza Newlin lists six "guardrails" that protected democracy--this time. The military, the courts, the states, the media, the hardware, the voters.
[I]t's worth acknowledging the guardrails that have held fast against the nation's severe democracy stress test, and against [Dear Leader's] specious and ongoing fraud allegations. There's no guarantee these railings would hold against a more sophisticated adversary, and the need to shore up voting rights and election administration remains urgent.
NOW is it finally over?
Attorney General William Barr said Tuesday the Justice Department has not uncovered evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
Update (December 2): In an interview with Dean Obeidallah, Ruth Ben-Ghiat acknowledges hearing from non-Americans (in particular people from the Middle East) who are convinced Dear Leader won't be leaving office.
I would caution anybody to think that just because you see [Fuckface] going to play golf or he doesn't have any public events on his schedule, it doesn't mean people are not digging in for this desperate endgame.
Update (December 10): The Texas Attorney General, joined by 17 other Republican state attorneys general, is suing Georgia, Michigan, Pennsyvania, and Wisconsin over the election. Theoretically, six conservatives could find a reason to keep Fuckface in power. Kristen Clarke:
Were the Supreme Court to agree to hear this meritless suit brought by Texas, we might as well toss the Constitution.
Amanda Marcotte points out most Republican officials have no qualms supporting Dear Leader's attempted coup. Their lack of results was simply "acting more out of legal necessity than a desire to defend democracy". The vote just wasn't close enough to make it possible to steal the election.
The expressed concern about election integrity is dangerous because the sentiment is not sincere.
Conservatives know better than to openly argue that Democratic votes shouldn't be counted. So instead they concoct this elaborate conspiracy theory, painting themselves as the victims of voter fraud in order to justify an illegal effort to steal the election.
Unfortunately, the belief that these folks are sincere in their claims that the election was "stolen" puts a glow of innocence on their actions. This leads many observers underestimate the seriousness of a situation where a large percentage of Americans are actively supporting a coup. It also focuses attention away from what needs to be done to fight back. The "delusion" model of understanding Republican behavior suggests that education is the solution.
Instead, it's important to see those who support [von Clownstick's] coup for who they are: People who have been radicalized through racism, hateful propaganda and a sense of perpetual grievance, against democracy. They aren't going to change their minds because of new facts, because the underlying belief — which is that they deserve to be in power, no matter what — is the problem here. It's a rising American authoritarianism, and we underestimate it at our peril.
Update (December 11): Heather Digby Parton acknowledges the attempted coup has failed, but argues that the "guardrails" of democracy have taken a beating.
In a healthy democracy the president of the United States would not be attempting to overturn a legal election, nor would he be able to convince tens of millions of his followers that he was justified in doing so based upon a series of lies so preposterous that normally only a naive child could believe them. In a system that was working, any leader would be humiliated at having been shown to be such a pathetic sore loser in one courtroom after another. His party would show him the door.
Parton quotes Ron Brownstein.
[T]he Republican Party is on a continuum toward the kind of "democratic erosion" visible in other countries ... [where] a party that wins office through a democratic election then seeks to use state power to tilt or completely undermine future elections.
And it turns out the Supreme Court has now rejected the Texas suit for lack of standing. Only two justices even expressed support on that issue let alone any other merits.
Two conservative justices — Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas — said they believed the Supreme Court was technically required to allow Texas to file a bill of complaint, but indicated that they would “not grant other relief,” meaning they would not agree to throw the country into chaos.
But, hey, keep pounding away at those guardrails. We're bound to break through eventually.
Update (December 14): As the Electoral College makes it official, I can't help but wonder at the persistent intransigence of the losers. There are protests to "Stop the Steal" even though it's their own Dear Leader who is trying to steal the election.
Andrew O'Hehir imagines there are still people with whom he shares "enough assumptions about the world to have a coherent conversation about what has gone wrong and how to fix it". Yet we can't say what kind of political world we are transitioning into and he asks
Is the collapse of America really happening, or is it all just a hilarious troll — and how will we know the difference?
O'Hehir quotes John Ganz:
This question "Are they just delusional or do they really believe this insanity?" that we are constantly forced to ask is precisely the same question people ask about totalitarian regimes, because they practice a politics that confounds the boundaries between belief and cynicism.
Update (December 15): Is Senator Mitch McConnell finally, finally the last word on this?
The Electoral College has spoken. So today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden. The president-elect is no stranger to the Senate. He's devoted himself to public service for many years. Beyond our differences, all Americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president-elect for the very first time.
Update (December 21): Incredibly, it is still not over. Amanda Marcotte refers to a New York Times story about Dear Leader talking about martial law with lunatics like Michael Flynn at the White House.
The story isn't just alarming because [Fuckface] is flirting with violence, either. It's alarming because it's proof that [he] is continuing to push these idiotic conspiracy theories because he really, truly does think there's still a way for him to steal this election.
Update (December 28): Rupert Murdoch owned New York Post published an editiorial with the front page headline, "Stop the Insanity".
You have tweeted that, as long as Republicans have "courage," they can overturn the results and give you four more years in office.
In other words, you’re cheering for an undemocratic coup.
And further.
Michael Flynn suggesting martial law is tantamount to treason. It is shameful.
Update (January 3, 2021): All the Republicans planning to challenge the electoral vote count in Congress are encouraging this insanity.
[Fuckface von Clownstick] on Saturday pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a fellow Republican, to recalculate the state’s tally of presidential election votes to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s win.
This is a quote from the actual recorded phone call.
We have won this election in Georgia. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, Brad. You know, I mean, having the correct ― the people of Georgia are angry. ... And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you’ve recalculated.
Update (January 4, 2021): In response to Dear Leader, Brad Raffensperger points out "that the data he had is just plain wrong". Also, Democrats call for his indictment. Representative Pramila Jayapal:
[Fuckface] once again abused the power of his office, demanded interference in our elections, betrayed this country, and attacked our democracy. We must hold him fully accountable, even after he leaves office. There must be justice.
Update (January 5, 2021): Even George Will slams the Republican challenge for the electoral vote count.
On Wednesday, the members of the Hawley-Cruz cohort will violate the oath of office in which they swore to defend the Constitution from enemies "foreign and domestic". They are its most dangerous domestic enemies.
Update (January 25, 2021): Amanda Marcotte highlights the efforts of pro-democracy activists such as the Democracy Defense Coalition to stop the efforts to steal the election.
The true story of how [Fuckface] was defeated, by regular people who fought for their democracy, is empowering. It can convince people to keep up the fight. So while no one should doubt [he] is an idiot, it's important to give credit where it's due for his defeat: On the progressives who fought him, every step of the way.
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